Discover the digital landscape of publicly traded companies in the United States through our dynamic table showcasing the most visited websites. Gain valuable insights into the online presence and popularity of these industry leaders, providing a comprehensive overview of their digital influence.
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Our mission is to provide you with the most useful and accurate data about Website Traffic.
Please let us know if there are other websites that we should add in order to improve this tool's performance.
How do I use the TipRanks Website Traffic Screener?
The TipRanks Website Screener shows you which websites belonging to publicly traded companies have gained or lost the most estimated traffic in the past month. The table also presents quarterly and year-to-date changes in website traffic. You can filter the website category to focus on a particular industry or industries from the dropdown list. You can also adjust type of visits (unique or total), type of device (all, mobile, or desktop), and number of monthly users. As with all TipRanks tools, you can adjust the country.

Compare a company’s estimated website traffic to the previous year’s estimated traffic, as well as to the previous period’s estimated traffic, which is the default view. Here’s a breakdown of what this means:
Monthly Change
Same period last year compares estimated website traffic in September 2023 to September 2022
Previous period compares website traffic in September 2023 to August 2023
Quarterly Change
Same period last year compares estimated website traffic from July-September 2023 to July-September 2022
Previous period compares website traffic from July-September 2023 to April-June 2023
Year-to-Date Change
Compares estimated website traffic from January-September 2023 to January-September 2022


What is the purpose of the Website Traffic Screener?
The purpose of the Website Traffic Screener is to enhance your stock research. It shows you an estimation of how a company’s website domains are performing. The tool enables you to analyze changes in consumer behavior and predict how this might affect the upcoming earnings report and stock price.
    What is the difference between unique visitors and total visits?
    Unique visitors refers to the number of individuals who visit a website in a given time period. For example, one person who visits the same website multiple times throughout the day is considered one unique visitor.
    Visits, on the other hand, refers to every visit to the website in given period. In this example, if one person visits the same website 12 times in one day, that counts as 12 visits.
      Which is the most visited website in the world? is the most visited website in the world in September 2023.
        Which is the 2nd most visited website in the world? is the 2nd most visited website in the world in September 2023.