TipRanks Helps Investors Make Better,
Data-Driven Investment Decisions
We level the playing field for retail investors by making institutional-grade research tools and data available to everyone.
What Our Customers Say
TipRanks is the highest-rated financial app on the market.
Here is why we have a 4.8 rating, according to those who know best - our customers
App Store Ratings
Larry .F."TipRanks is nothing short of a revolution in the financial analytics world.Their conglomeration of data puts vital, accurate and valuable information literally at your fingertips, at the touch of a button. This app, in addition to their already extensive website platform, is intuitive and easy to navigate. I never felt more comfortable with my investments as when I used TipRanks to do my research. It’s financial information on steroids! In fact, their tools help guide me towards new investments and understand current trends in the market. After a minute on the app you’ll never make another financial move without first working it out through their rigorous data sets… You’d be foolish not to."
Google Play Ratings
Jessica .N."Great help to picking, holding and selling stocks for NYSE outsiders.Tons of data. Thank you!!"
4.6.195 Ratings
Chris .D."Great way to organize my investments so I can quickly see were things sit.As a new investor I certainly like the advice from multiple sources it gives me the ability to make decisions with a mesure of confidence."
Stelios .M"Amazing analytics for the stock markets & daily newsletters with very interesting suggestions"
Humble, Yet HonoredAlways at the forefront of financial technology, we're delighted to have been the recipient of numerous industry awards.
KPMG2016 Fintech
Top 100 leading Global innovators.
FinovateBest of the Show Award
Finovate Fall 2013
Finovate Spring 2013
IBM Watson2015 IBM Watson
First place for outstanding achievements.
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