Holding FXY?
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FXY Hedge Funds Trading Activity

Trend: Hedge Funds Decreased Holdings by 5.6K Shares Last Quarter

Hedge Fund Holdings in FXY

Based on the 13F filings of 483 Hedge Funds submitted to the SEC.
See how hedge fund holdings have changed over the past year. The columns represent the number of shares owned by hedge funds.

Hedge Fund Confidence Signal

Etf Sentiment
Based on activity of 2 Hedge Funds in the recent quarter
A unique signal which shows hedge fund sentiment according to recent transactions.

Hedge Fund Activity​

Hedge Fund Manager
Star Ranking
Holding Change
Value Reported
% of Portfolio
Delphi Financial Group, Inc.
Sold Out
Hussman Strategic Advisors Inc
Not Changed


Which hedge funds hold FXY?
The hedge funds that hold the most shares in FXY are John Hussman, Robert Rosenkranz and undefined.
    Are hedge funds buying or selling FXY?
    In the last quarter hedge funds have Decreased their holdings in FXY by 5.6K shares.
      Where can I see a list of the best rated hedge funds?
      You can see a list of the best hedge funds here.
        Who is the best-performing hedge fund manager?
        The top-rated hedge fund managers can be seen here: Top Hedge Fund Managers

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