Global Mofy Metaverse Ltd. (GMM)
US Market

Global Mofy Metaverse Ltd. (GMM) Stock Price & Analysis


GMM Stock Chart & Stats

Day’s Range$0 - $0
52-Week Range$4.55 - $6.10
Previous Close$4.92
Average Volume (3M)869.13K
Market Cap
Enterprise ValueN/A
Total Cash (Recent Filing)N/A
Total Debt (Recent Filing)N/A
Price to Earnings (P/E)-1144.2
Next EarningsN/A
EPS EstimateN/A
Next Dividend Ex-DateN/A
Dividend YieldN/A
Share Statistics
EPS (TTM)>-0.01
Shares Outstanding27,126,155
10 Day Avg. Volume521,399
30 Day Avg. Volume869,129
Standard DeviationN/A
Financial Highlights & Ratios
Price to Book (P/B)N/A
Price to Sales (P/S)N/A
Price to Cash Flow (P/CF)N/A
P/FCF Ratio0.00
Enterprise Value/Market CapN/A
Enterprise Value/RevenueN/A
Enterprise Value/Gross ProfitN/A
Enterprise Value/EbitdaN/A
1Y Price TargetN/A
Price Target UpsideN/A
Rating ConsensusN/A
Number of Analyst Covering0


What was Global Mofy Metaverse Ltd.’s price range in the past 12 months?
Global Mofy Metaverse Ltd. lowest stock price was $4.55 and its highest was $6.10 in the past 12 months.
    What is Global Mofy Metaverse Ltd.’s market cap?
    Currently, no data Available
    When is Global Mofy Metaverse Ltd.’s upcoming earnings report date?
    The company’s upcoming earnings report date is not yet available.
    How were Global Mofy Metaverse Ltd.’s earnings last quarter?
    Currently, no data Available
    Is Global Mofy Metaverse Ltd. overvalued?
    According to Wall Street analysts Global Mofy Metaverse Ltd.’s price is currently Overvalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
      Does Global Mofy Metaverse Ltd. pay dividends?
      Global Mofy Metaverse Ltd. does not currently pay dividends.
      What is Global Mofy Metaverse Ltd.’s EPS estimate?
      Global Mofy Metaverse Ltd.’s EPS estimate for its next earnings report is not yet available.
      How many shares outstanding does Global Mofy Metaverse Ltd. have?
      Global Mofy Metaverse Ltd. has 27,126,156 shares outstanding.
        What happened to Global Mofy Metaverse Ltd.’s price movement after its last earnings report?
        Currently, no data Available
        Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of Global Mofy Metaverse Ltd.?
        Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in GMM


        Global Mofy Metaverse Ltd. Stock Smart Score

        Not Ranked


        Return on Equity
        Trailing 12-Months
        Asset Growth
        Trailing 12-Months
        This stock does not have enough of the key information we need to rate it accurately. Smart Score is calculated for stocks traded in Nasdaq, NYSE, TSE and LSE with a market cap above $30M and average 3 months trading volume above $30K.
        Learn more about TipRanks Smart Score

        Company Description

        Global Mofy Metaverse Ltd.

        Global Mofy Metaverse Ltd is a China-based technology solutions provider engaged in virtual content production, digital marketing and digital assets development for the metaverse industry. Utilizing its technology platform Mofy Lab, the Company creates three-dimensional (3D) high definition virtual version of physical world objects such as human, animal and scenes. The Company primarily operates its businesses through three segments: Virtual Technology Service segment, Digital Marketing segment and Digital Asset Development segment. Virtual Technology Service segment provides comprehensive technology solutions to assist customers in virtual content production. Digital Marketing segment provides advertisement production and promotion services to customers with integrated digital marketing services. Digital Asset Development segment engages in virtual content production business and opportunistic acquisition of certain digital assets.


        Forecast EPS vs Actual EPS

        Currently, no data available
        Please return soon. This page is being updated.

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